Are People Working in Scottish Transport Treated Fairly?

How is Scottish Transport Doing in the Big Reset of Working Conditions?

The Scottish Government has said that by 2025 Scotland will become a fair work nation. What does this mean for Scottish transport? 

2023 has seen a rise in employment disputes. To meet the rising cost of living each sector of the economy has been facing new pressures to change terms and conditions for workers.

To guide us through this complex topic Dave Watson spoke to STSG on 15th November at 12:30. Dave was Head of Policy and Public Affairs with Unison in Scotland for 28 years and is currently Director of the Jimmy Reid Foundation. Dave trained in Scots law with a LLB from the University of Strathclyde and is a prolific writer on policy issues including books on military history. Dave’s work for the Christie Commission in 2011 set an agenda for the future delivery of public services which continues to lead government thinking on future of transport services.

Scottish transport is a huge employer with terms and conditions for those working in the sector varying from the most insecure and precarious employment to some of the best paid workers in the Scottish economy. Dave will speak about his recent report describing current challenges and setting out possible ways forward.

A report of the session by STSG Chair John Yellowlees is here.

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