New Leadership at STSG
STSG has a new Committee and new Chair to strengthen its role as Scotland’s think tank on all transport matters.
New Chair Paul White said:
“As an active member of the Scottish Transport Studies Group over the past few years I have enjoyed and benefitted from the group’s wide-ranging and informed examination of transport policy and its role within Scottish society. As such, I am delighted to have been appointed Chair and am very much looking forward to building on the work of our previous Chair Derek Halden who will now direct the day to day operations at STSG.
It is certainly an exciting time to be stepping into this role with the upcoming refresh of the National Transport Strategy and next year’s Scottish elections due to shape the immediate direction of transport policy in Scotland. Meanwhile emerging technologies over the next few years will likely radically change how and why we travel , how it is costed and taxed and how transport integrates within our ever more connected lives.
It is my hope that the STSG will continue to actively push forward the debate on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for transport in this country. “
Former Chair Derek Halden said:
“I am delighted that Paul has stepped into the frontline of STSG as Chair. With his experience at the Confederation of Passenger Transport in European policy issues Paul is ideally placed to ensure that STSG continues to lead the debate about what our transport systems could and should be in Scotland.
STSG’s thought leadership on transport and energy, technology, investment, regulation, and infrastructure over the last decade helped to make changes that might have seemed to be unthinkable more acceptable. Transport operators, transport service providers, and government have all been able to deliver improvements which would not have not been possible without STSG papers paving the way.
With new committee members from Scottish universities, consultancies and local authorities working with Paul and myself, we look forward to promoting the importance of transport for Scotland’s economy and society in line with STSG’s aims.”
In the 32 years since STSG was founded as Scotland’s transport think tank the group has published independent papers and analysis to challenge people to think about what they do and encourage better transport delivery. STSG is independent of any political or policy perspective and subscribers come from every part of the transport sector.