Share Best Practice on Collaborative Working – 15th February Edinburgh
During 2018 STSG intends to hold regular networking sessions around Scotland, open to everyone who wants to contribute to our lively debates on topical transport issues. One of the most controversial issues facing Scottish transport is the growing collaborative economy. On the one hand collaboration is crossing traditional barriers in the economy and society, but on the other it is creating new challenges.
STSG’s paper on the evolving collaborative economy attracted widespread interest, and we plan to pull together a casebook of leading practice. We are meeting in West Edinburgh where there have been a number of recent controversies and collaborative delivery successes. What factors enable desirable outcomes? .
The latest blog at the STSG website by new Chair John Yellowlees discusses some of the challenges faced by politicians in controversial areas like cycling and railways. This will be the starting point for the discussion. We hope to see as many of you as possible on the 15th. Just turn up from 6pm at Thompson’s Bar in Morrison Street near Haymarket Station and stay as long as you want. Also contribute at the website by responding online to John’s blog.